Program Temp

Wednesday, September 7th 2016

10:00 Registration open
11:30 Buffet
13:00 Guided tours to simulation facilities
Tour A Tour B Tour C Tour D
13:00 Transfer 13:00 Transfer 13:00 Transfer 13:00 Transfer
14:00 Renault 14:00 SystemX 14:00 PSA 14:00 Optis
15:00 Transfer 15:00 Transfer 15:00 Transfer 15:00 Transfer
16:00 Optis 16:00 Renault 16:00 SystemX 16:00 PSA
17:00 Transfer 17:00 Transfer 17:00 Transfer 17:00 Transfer
19:00 End

All tours start and finish at the Conference location: Arts et Metiers, 155 boulevard de l’Hopital 75013 Paris

Here are some information about the guided tours :

Renault high performance driving simulator and Immersive driving simulator demonstrations
PSA high performance driving simulator and Fixed base driving simulator demonstrations
SystemX HUD and autonomous vehicle driving simulator demonstrations
Optis physically realistic vision in driving simulator demonstrations

You can find details on Renault, PSA and SystemX driving simulators on the « Driving Simulators Worldwide » page of the DSA website.

Thursday, September 8th 2016

08:00 Registration
09:00 Introduction
Andras Kemeny, Chairman DSC
Renault, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France
09:10 Keynote Driving Simulation, a key domain for automotive digital acceleration
Karim Mikkiche, Alliance Global VP, CAE & Testing
Renault-Nissan Alliance Technology Development
09:40 Keynote Using VR to look at motion and distance perception
Laurence Harris
University of York, Canada
10:10 Talk Session A : Motion Cueing & Control
10:10 An MPC-Based Motion Cueing implementation with Time-Varying Prediction and drivers skills characterization
Bruschetta, Mattia; Maran, Fabio; Cenedese, Carlo; Beghi, Alessandro; Minen, Diego
10:30 Model-based Control of a Wheeled Mobile Driving Simulator
Gong, Zhongyi; Konigorski, Ulrich
10:50 Comparison between filter- and optimization-based motion cueing in the Daimler Driving Simulator
Venrooij, Joost; Cleij, Diane; Katliar, Mikhail; Pretto, Paolo; Bülthoff, Heinrich H; Steffen, Dennis; Hoffmeyer…
11:10 Coffee break
11:40 Talk Session B : Simulator Design & applications
11:40 Objective Motion Cueing Test for Driving Simulators
Fischer, Martin; Seehof, Carsten; Seefried, Andreas
11:55 Implementing prediction algorithms to synchronize and minimize latency on a driving simulator
van Doornik, Jelle; Brems, Willibald; de Vries, Edwin; Wiedemann, Jochen
12:15 Tire Concept Investigation for Wheeled Mobile Driving Simulators
Zöller, Chris; Wagner, Paul; Winner, Hermann
12:30 Motion cueing algorithm development for X-Y linear motion and yaw table based driving simulator
Fang, Zhou; Kemeny, Andras
12:50 Lunch


14:30 Driving Simulators Symposium
14:40 Optis
14:50 Techviz
15:00 Oktal
15:10 Renault
15:20 ENSAM
15:40 LAMIH
15:50 Coffee break
16:20 Keynote Simulation Sickness, from Driving Simulation to Virtual Reality
Andras Kemeny
Renault, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France
16:50 Talk Session C : Simulator Design & applications
16:50 Creating Headlight Glare in a Driving Simulator
Haycock, Bruce; Koenraad, Niels; Potter, Mario; Advani, Sunjoo
17:10 Evaluation of Chassis Setups Using a Dynamic Driving Simulator
Brems, Willibald; Uhlmann, Richard; Wagner, Andreas; Wiedemann, Jochen
17:25 A Dynamic and Model-Based Approach for Performing Successful Multi-Driver Studies
Schindler, Julian; Köster, Frank
17:40 Perception of Tire Characteristics in a Motion Base Driving Simulator
Kusachov, Artem; Bruzelius, Fredrik; Hjort, Mattias
18:00 End
18:30 DSC Scientific Committee meeting
20:00 Conference dinner

Friday, September 9th 2016

08:30 Registration
09:00 Talk Session A : ADAS, Autonomous & Connected Vehicles
09:00 Cooperation between Driver and Automated Driving System: Implementation and Evaluation
Guo, Chunshi; Sentouh, Chouki; Popieul, Jean-Christophe; Haue, Jean-Baptiste; Langlois, Sabine; Loeillet, Jean-Jacques
09:15 « The Surveyor’s Guide to Automotive Simulation »: Development and Evaluation of Guidelines for Straight forward Road Surveying for Driving Simulator Databases and Test Development of Driver Assistance and Automation Systems
Richter, Andreas; Scholz, Michael
09:30 Cooperative Driving Simulation
Aramrattana, Maytheewat; Larsson, Tony; Jansson, Jonas; Nåbo, Arne
09:45 Cooperation between the driver and an automated driving system taking into account the driver’s state
Benloucif, Mohamed Amir; Sentouh, Chouki; Floris, Jérôme; Simon, Philippe; Boverie, Serge; Popieul, Jean-Christophe
10:00 Keynote Automated vehicles: state of the art and future outlook
Michel Parent
AutoKAB, France
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Talk Session B : ADAS, Autonomous & Connected Vehicles
11:00 An innovative real-time test setup for ADAS’s based on vehicle cameras
Di Mare, Giancarlo; Vico, Ferruccio; Crisci, Francesco; Montieri, Antonio; Amoroso, Donato; Marino, Bruno; Ferrara…
11:15 A Real-Time Multi-Sensor Fusion Verification Framework for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Elgharbawy, Mohamed; Schwarzhaupt, Andreas; Weiskopf, Marco; Frey, Michael; Gauterin, Frank
11:30 Towards Smart, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: A User-in-the-Loop Test Methodology for the Connected Car
Dhadyalla, Gunwant; Marsic, Vlad; Joshi, Harita; Khastgir, Siddartha; Birrell, Stewart; Paul, Jennings
11:45 Identifying relevant traffic situations from simulation data for testing ADAS and autonomous vehicles – A multilayer model concept
Sippl, Christoph; Wessner, Joseph; German, Reinhard
12:00 On the Implementation of Steering Controls for Evaluation of Automated Driving System in Driving Simulator
Nguyen Van, Quy Hung; Ito, Shoji
12:15 Lunch


14:00 Keynote Driver’s motion perception, a driving simulation review
Paolo Pretto
Max Planck Institute, Germany
14:30 Talk Session C : Perception & Human Factors
14:30 Effects of sensory cues on perceived simulated speed
Sandin, Jesper; Fischer, Martin; Eriksson, Lars M; Augusto, Bruno; Nocentini, Alessandro
14:45 Driver behavior in mixed – and virtual reality – a comparative study
Blissing, Björn; Bruzelius, Fredrik; Eriksson, Olle
15:05 The influence of motion and steering-system model complexity on truck steering
Shyrokau, Barys; Stroosma, Olaf; Dijksterhuis, Chris; Loof, Jan; van Paassen, René; Happee, Riender
15:25 A street-crossing simulator to study and train pedestrians
Cavallo, Viola; Dommes, Aurélie; Vienne, Fabrice; Nguyen-Thong, Dang
15:45 Motion sickness comparison between a CAVE environment and a HMD
Colombet, Florent; Kemeny, Andras; George, Paul
16:05 Closing remarks
16:30 End of DSC 2016 Europe


Posters will be displayed near the amphitheater and presenters will be availbale during coffee breaks on thursday and friday for presentation.

ID Poster
1 Advancement of the car following model of Wiedemann on lower velocity ranges for urban traffic simulation
Mai, Marcus; Wang, Lei; Prokop, Günther
2 Realism Score for Immersive Virtual Reality Systems and Driving Simulators
Perroud, Benoit; Regnier, Stephane; Kemeny, Andras; Merienne, Frédéric
3 Robust, Low Frame Rate, Long Haul, Distributed, Research Driving Simulation
Romano, Richard; Xiong, Zhitao; Dixit, Vinayak V.; Collins, Brian; Ellison, Adrian B.; Bliemer, Michiel; Waller, S. Travis
4 An Overview on the MOTORIST motorcycle simulator
Celiberti, Francesco; Grottoli, Marco; Di Gesu, Maria; Gubitosa, Marco; Donders, Stijn
5 Validation Methods of Virtual Reality Simulators for Traffic Research
Feldstein, Ilja
6 Simulation of Head-up Displays for Augmented Reality in Cars: a preliminary Study
Nguyen That, Thomas; Langlois, Sabine; Mermillod, Pierre; Boisvilliers, Willy
7 Direct integration of HMI 2D GUI to 3D CAD models displayed in a VR environment: a new rapid and efficient cross domain Virtual Validation in the car industry
Bayart, Benjamin; Vartanian, Alexis
8 DriverLab: A Standards-Setting Simulator for Driving in Challenging Conditions
Haycock, Bruce; Campos, Jennifer; Keshavarz, Behrang; Fernie, Geoff; Potter, Mario; Advani, Sunjoo
9 IFSTTAR Street-Crossing Simulator: Technical Overview and Applications in Road Safety Research
Dang, Nguyen Thong; Vienne, Fabrice
10 OpenDrive – A driving simulator based on an open world video game
Schenk, Simon; Frank, Benjamin; Rigoll, Gerhard
11 Safety Analysis for Wheeled Mobile Driving Simulators
Wagner, Paul; Zöller, Chris; Winner, Hermann
12 Using Frequency Analysis to Detect Social Interaction in a Multiple Simulator Setting
Lehsing, Christian; Bengler, Klaus
13 Validation of a Movable Truck Driving Simulation Tool – Comparing Truck Drivers’ Sitting Postures in a Simulator and in Field Truck Driving
Ohlson, Erik; Koohnavard, Tina; Osvalder, Anna-Lisa; Karlsson, MariAnne; Blomdahl, Patrik; Saluäär, Dennis
14 Virtual prototyping for highly automated vehicle function validation utilizing a vehicle-in-the-loop driving simulator facility
Fischer, Martin; Plättner, Jens; Grolms, Gavin; Assmann, Dirk; Lapoehn, Stephan; Köster, Frank
15 “ simulator” – an advanced wheel-based simulator approach
Tüschen, Thomas; Denise, Beitelschmidt; Wolfgang, Tischer; Günther, Prokop

This program is subject to modification.

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